Friday, February 20, 2009

These little things...

Every day, there are things in our lives that we dismiss as luck or chance or simply take for granted. Certainly there are times when events throw us completely off balance or make us feel vulnerable or afraid. But I think that most of the time we are so involved with our daily routine, whether it be with work, errands, chores and the like, that we forget to notice the things around us that make our lives better.

The truth is that, no matter what is going on in our lives, there are no ordinary moments, no minutes or seconds that are meaningless. And most of all, we will never get back those moments that pass without recognition. So, that is why it makes sense to look for and acknowledge the daily gifts that come from the universe.

Only this morning I awoke to hear birds singing outside my window and then got up and made myself a nice hot cup of coffee. Later during the day I came upon my dog taking advantage of a golden patch of sun glowing across my garage floor. I enjoyed some playful moments with my dog, all the while feeling grateful for the little things, the many small pleasant gifts in my life, like hot coffee, a happy dog and singing birds.

At first glance these things may seem rather unimportant, but when I think about what life might be like without them, I appreciate them all the more, and the bigger and more wonderful they seem to be. And if you think about it, you may agree that the little things are what either drive us crazy or make us happy. So, the little things in life really are important, even if they may not seem to be at the time.

For me, the best thing about recognizing such moments is that when I pay attention and open myself up to them, I notice them all the more and feel like I may even attract more of them my way. The end result is that I am happier and more content with my life and consider each day different in its own way.

Beautiful, little miracles happen every day. Flowers bloom, babies are born, the sunshine warms our skin and we get to be a living, breathing part of the living, breathing universe. I hope that this blog post will take the time for you to recognize the warm, special moments that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you. Have great weekend!

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