Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some ways to keep our body healthy

This morning, I read an article in the newspaper about the negative effect the economic crisis is having on our health. Some people are compromising their health by working more than one job and burning the midnight oil. Others are experiencing anxiety and stress as a result of the financial instability they are experiencing, and still others are choosing to cut back on important health benefits, such as exercise or the quality of food they are eating.

There is no doubt that tough times take a bite out of everything, and it's certainly important to be conservative during periods of financial downturn. However, we need to think seriously about what we cut from our budget, and healthy food choices and a regular exercise routine should not go easily. More practical expenses to cut back on include entertainment costs, such as movies and shows, perks like cable television, and nights out at restaurants and clubs. Now is the time to consider spending more time at home and economizing on gas, electricity, and water consumption.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your body healthy and fit even when your wallet isn't. With just a few simple shifts, you can continue to eat right and get plenty of exercise while sticking to a tighter budget.

For starters, do things to nip your stress in the bud. Make a point of getting as much rest as you can. This is especially necessary if you have had to take on a second job. Rearrange your schedule so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep daily. Also, drink lots of water to keep your system flushed. Save money by avoiding bottled waters and purchase a water filter for your kitchen tap instead.

If you can't afford to go to the gym, find new ways to get exercise. Get outside and take advantage of the changing seasons by walking, skating, biking, playing softball, basketball or Frisbee, and swimming or doing some outdoor gardening. If you have to be indoors, you can always plug in an exercise video or put on your favorite CD and dance until you start feeling sweaty. These activities require a relatively small investment, if any at all.

When it comes to groceries, there are a few things you can do to save money without compromising nutrition. Buying fresh produce is great but can be expensive, and it begins to lose its nutritional value within just a couple of days. So buy foods that you must eat fresh, like apples, plums, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados, and opt to go to the frozen food section for the rest. While some people feel that frozen food is less nutritious than fresh, both types tend to have the same levels of nutrients. That's because frozen fruits and vegetables are frozen at the peak of their ripeness, which actually locks and holds in their nutrients. So, all you have to do is to allow for thawing time when planning meals.

Even though money is tight right now, you can still maintain a healthy lifestyle on a lean budget. It just takes a little planning and adjustment to doing a few things differently. Before you know it, your new routines could become habits that help you save money in the long run.

Until next week... have a great Father's Day weekend!

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