Saturday, March 21, 2009

Can Money Change Your Life?

How we think about money has a direct effect on how money works for us. One of my friends, is an excellent example of how changing the way you think about money can change your life. A while back, he came to me complaining that he never had enough money and that he just couldn't get ahead. He had been raised to believe that money was the root of all evil and that rich people were snobby and unfriendly.

His relationship with money came from his subconscious belief that because money was bad, he shouldn't have it. Interestingly enough, his situation is not unusual. The difficulties that many people experience with money are a result of their hang-ups from past experiences. This can be difficult because we need money in our day-to-day lives and to survive in the world. In fact, if we want to be comfortable and live in harmony, we really need to have a good relationship with money.

So, it was clear to me that he desperately needed to change his attitude and feelings about money and I set about helping him to do that. First I reminded him that money is just a tool and that using money to pay bills, buy groceries, and keep his car maintained are all ways she expresses love and care for himself and his family. And as providing love and care for one's self and family is a good thing, money becomes the tool that helps us to accomplish this good thing.

He also needed to develop an "attitude of gratitude" for the money he did have, even if much of it was going to pay the phone company, car payment, and electricity bills. The fact that he had a place to live and was able to pay for his rent, electricity, water, and phone meant that he was already in better shape than many other people on the planet. So I asked him to thank the universe for meeting his needs every time he wrote out a check.

And finally, I challenged him to seek some opportunities to share his wealth with others, whether through a charity, at his church, or simply buying a meal for a hungry person. Giving to others with gratitude and willingness attracts even more back to the giver.

As you might guess, the last time I spoke with Jake, he was feeling much better about his money situation. By changing his attitude toward money, he was finding it easier to attract what he needed. Fortunately, he no longer felt cheated by the universe and no longer craved unnecessary purchases. I am pleased to say that he received special recognition at work and even a small promotion that included a slight salary increase in these trying times. Jake says he is grateful for what he has and now feels good about having money.

Money definitely has an ebb and flow like the tides. Sometimes there is more and sometimes there is less, but like the ocean there is always plenty to be had and many ways to find it. I hope that Jake's story will inspire you to think about how you view money so that you can attract all that you require with ease and grace.

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